March 2022 - Lenten Pastoral Letter
“Faithful, let us accept with joy God’s tidings proclaiming the coming of the Fast – as did the people of Nineveh of old, and the harlots and publicans who listened to John’s preaching of repentance. Through abstinence let us prepare ourselves for Communion at the Master’s Liturgy in Zion; with tears let us cleanse ourselves before the Washing of the Feet…let us make ready to adore the Cross & the Awakening of Christ our God…” - Tues. Vespers, Cheese Week
Lent turns our eyes, ears, and hearts to “the one thing needful” – the life of the Spirit, the life by which our whole being exists and which survives our fragile flesh. This is God’s life within us, opening unto eternity before us. This is the life with which we are fed at the Lord’s Mystical Supper, where He bows in tender humility before us to wash our feet. This is the life that He pours out on our Earth from the Cross, so that the Earth can bring forth the beautiful fruit of the Resurrection. We don’t exist only to eat and drink, to work and play, to build homes and careers. We exist first of all because God breathes His gracious Spirit into each of us. And all our life as well as that of children and grandchildren has its ultimate meaning, hope, and joy in the sharing of that Spirit “unto ages of ages” – forever. Rich as my life has been and beloved as that of children and grandchildren may be, my fondest hope is that, in the end we may be together in the infinite love of God. I must try to see this more clearly as I reach what are the latter years of my life and of my long widowhood.
Lent is the gift we receive every year from the vast treasure of Tradition. It is like a birthday gift to me each year – to help me to fast so that I might learn again to put first things first. To help me to pray carefully so that my heart is turned toward the Source of Life and Light and love. To help me to see others’ needs and wounds and pains as my own. To help me to open myself to the One Who has come to heal and feed us, to wash our world-weary feet, to humble Himself to death – so that He can take our hands and the hands of those we love, and lead us forth from death and negation.
So Lent is not just one more Church season. It’s not about giving up token treats and pleasures. It’s not about rules and taboos and drudgery. It is our annual preparation to be immersed in the fulness of life, the fulness of God’s love. Will you all join me in a procession of joy into this precious Lent?
--- Fr Tom